Sunday, 8 April 2012

MOTIVATION! The Key to Success! and Easter and lent Update!

WOW! Easter Sunday already! Time really does fly by nowadays! I hope you all have a good day and are able to treat yourself to all those things that you gave up during lent! Below are some things I got up to this easter weekend! :D

Easter tree!
Shredded wheat and chocolate nest cakes!

I decided to give up biscuits and I am very proud to say that I stuck to it completely! This is the first year which I have actually gone all 47 days (yes I know lent is 40 days but if you count it on a calendar it actually is 47! How cheeky that it doesn't count Sundays!!) haha! I found the first week really hard and I was craving buscuits sooo much! Even though I can easily go days without them and not think about it once you are not allowed it, it becomes all you want! 

As mentioned a million times I am heading off on my trip today with the charity HCPT and so I have got a couple of packets of oreos and some finger biscuits to enjoy and share while I am there. These are my 2 favourite biscuits and although tbh I probably wouldn't have had these during the 47 days as they are more 'luxury' biscuits I am very excited to taste buscuits once again!

Has anyone else stuck to their lent challenge? If so well done to you and I hope this proves that you can do anything you set your mind to! I know I've learnt this, even just setting small, achievable goals you can really boost your confidence and self belief!

This same idea can be applied to your fitness, business or even social goals, anything in fact! The key to success is self belief! 

Tarah! Cheerio! LOVE LIBS! See you in a week! 

Thursday, 5 April 2012

£400 from second hand clothes!

So as I have mentioned before, I am going with the charity HCPT (handicapped children's pilgrimage trust) to Lourdes, France, next week and as I mentioned in my Just an UPDATE post we have only just reached our target amount of £9500 between the group of us (19 people)! Anyways I managed to raise my share of the money, by doing events like holding coffee mornings, babysitting and house sitting etc and also by running a clothes sale!

We managed to persuade most of the people in my year to donate clothes and items like scarves and jewellery pieces and then organised the event at school to be held over a week at lunch time breaks. It took lots of organising and preparation but we managed to raise around £400 !! And we actually have a lot of stock left over and much of this we will be taking to India to give to the children at our sister school so even more people can benefit from the donations! The event was much like a charity shop at school. A little like the photo below but a little neater and in a smaller classroom! But you get the idea!

If anyone is looking for fund raising ideas this is defiantly a good idea and with the right pricing can raise a lot of money! My tips would be to keep pestering people until the stock is brought in, I managed t annoy many friends by my constant texts and emails reminding people to look through their wardrobes and bring in items to sell but I'm sure they will tell you it was worth it in the end as it got the job done! Also ensure everything is in good condition and try and get some higher end brands like Hollister, Jack wills and Topshop because these are the items that will attract the students and the names are great to put on the posters! Another tip is be prepared to lower your prices! I would defiantly recommend starting at a low to reasonable price to draw in the crowd and you don't want stock left over if you don't have anywhere to keep it!

Anyone else fund raising for anything? Let me know! And remember what is one persons junk is an others treasure! LOVE LIBBY X 

Not my images - credit to google images to represent my similar event!